11 Tweaks To Your Press Release That Will Increase SEO & Buzzability

1 year ago 371


Press releases are great for reaching new audiences, but it's easy to overlook the importance of good formatting. Your PR pitch needs to be clean, easy to read and follow, which is why journalists and editors love seeing all the relevant information in one place. In this guide, we'll walk through 11 super simple tips for improving your press release format with each one highlighting a different element that makes or breaks a successful PR pitch.

Write a story about what's going on.

Stories are the most effective way to get your message across. They make people want to read more, and they’re also a good way to establish trust with your audience. In fact, research shows that when people read about someone else's story, it increases their empathy for them (and therefore their willingness to support that person).

Here are some tips on how you can write a story that will have readers wanting more:

  • Take the time to tell a compelling tale. If you're not sure where your story should begin or end—or if there's too much information in between—this is an area where writers often struggle. Don't worry if this seems difficult at first; just keep practicing until you get better at telling stories!

Write a headline that's short, sharp and newsy.

  • Keep your headline short, sharp and newsy.

  • Make sure it's clear and concise.

  • Use a headline that captures the reader's attention and makes them want to read the rest of your press release.

Opt for the inverted pyramid style of writing.

The inverted pyramid style is a great way to write press release example. It’s also a great choice for SEO and buzzability because it’s easy for people to read, understand and remember.

This style uses the most important information first, then builds on that with relevant details later in the release. The inverted pyramid also helps you avoid repeating yourself by only including information relevant for each section of your document.

Put the important information at the top of your press release.

The inverted pyramid style of writing, which means putting the most important information at the top and moving down to more detail as you go, is one of the best ways to grab your reader's attention. You should also use subheads when writing an SEO press release template because it helps readers digest what you've written and find what they need quickly.

Another tip for increasing SEO effectiveness is using quotes sparingly in order to keep things concise and easy-to-understand for readers. You can also make sure that you don't overdo it with quotes; if there are too many or they're too long, this will hurt your overall readability score which could lead people away from clicking through on your link when someone searches something similar online like "press release."

Use quotes to help your story.

Quotes are a great way to add credibility, humor and human element to your story. They can also help tell the reader what they’re going to see in the next few paragraphs.

Here are some tips for writing quotes:

  • Add them at the beginning of your news release example so it’s easy for readers to skim over and get an idea of what they’ll read later on (if there's more than one quote).

  • Avoid using too many quotes—you don't want people getting bored during their lunch break!

Include supporting documents at the end.

Include all relevant documents at the end of your press release. This is not just a matter of good manners—it can help improve SEO and buzzworthiness, as well. The easiest way to do this is by including links to the full text of your media release example, as well as its original source (if applicable). You should also include links to any social media accounts that are mentioned in your story or blog post (such as Facebook or Twitter), along with an email address where readers can get in touch with you directly if they have questions about anything related to what's contained within it

Don't forget to include contact information!

  • Include contact information.

  • You should absolutely include your phone number and email address in the press release, but make sure it’s easy for people to find. The more prominent the contact information, the better off you are going to be when it comes time for a potential client or customer to reach out with questions.

  • Make sure that your name is included within the text of your press release as well as on its own page at [company website]. This will help establish trust with readers and give them a clearer idea of who they’re talking with when reaching out via social media channels (which is where most people will initially start searching).

Make sure all of your formatting is correct.

  • Spell-check your press release before you send it out. A lot of people make the mistake of not checking their spelling and grammar, but this is one of the most important things to do when writing a press release example for new product.

  • Use correct formatting styles. Make sure that your titles, headings and quotes are aligned properly with each other—and don't use all caps for any text unless it's a quote from someone else (for example: "I am excited to see how my team performs at this year's competition."). Also make sure that you don't have any extra spaces or tabs between paragraphs or lines on any page in your document; they should flow seamlessly together as if they were one piece of paper instead of two separate ones side by side like we've seen in previous examples here today!

  • Check capitalization conventions for proper grammar usage throughout each section (e.-g., “Hello” vs “Hello”; “I'm pleased” vs “I'm pleased.")

Post online and everywhere else you can think of!

Post online and everywhere else you can think of!

  • Post on social media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram. You can also post to your website or blog.

  • Post on other websites: Make sure that every article you write is shared widely across the web with a link back to your press release so that people who missed it can see what they missed out on first-hand (and maybe even share it with their friends). This will increase traffic back to your website due to sharing benefits too; however this strategy should only be used when there’s enough data about the topic being promoted through social media posts so as not to overcrowd those channels with unnecessary information.*

Use the #journorequest hashtag on Twitter to ask for feedback from journalists and editors on your press release.

The #journorequest hashtag is a great way to get the attention of journalists, editors and reporters on Twitter. It's also an easy way to ask for feedback on your press release.

To use this tactic, first create a Twitter account and then log into it using any browser or mobile app (Twitter has several apps available). Then go to the search bar at the top-right corner of any window in which you're logged in, type in "#journorequest" without quotes and hit enter. This will bring up all tweets that have been posted with that hashtag—you'll see news articles about what others are saying about topics like SEO and press releases!

To make your press release stand out and get noticed, you have to follow certain formatting guidelines and know what journalists and editors look for in a release--and what they don't want to see--so that you can tighten up your PR pitch and generate buzz around your news or event.

To make your press release stand out and get noticed, you have to follow certain formatting guidelines and know what journalists and editors look for in a release--and what they don't want to see.

Here are some tips for making sure your PR pitch is tight:

  • Use proper grammar and spelling. This can be a challenge when you're writing for an online audience (and therefore on deadline), but taking the time to double-check that everything is spelled correctly will help ensure that no one has any trouble reading it later on. It also makes it easier for journalists who receive lots of emails from PR people with misspelled words or sentences that don't make sense because there were too many typos in them!

  • Keep it short enough so as not overwhelm reporters with too many details; remember: less is more! If possible, keep paragraphs short rather than filling up space with extra information (this goes both ways). And whenever possible try not just keeping sentences short but also cutting out unnecessary words altogether; this reduces clutter while still retaining meaning—a win-win situation overall!


We hope these tips will help you create a winning event press release template. If you follow them, you'll be on your way to becoming the next big name in publishing!

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