How to use dark mode on WhatsApp

2 years ago 510

(Pocket-lint) - Like galore different apps, WhatsApp supports acheronian mode. When on, acheronian mode changes the interface of WhatsApp to a achromatic inheritance with grey, achromatic and bluish text, compared to a achromatic inheritance with grey, achromatic and bluish text.

Dark mode offers little glare, making it easier connected the eyes successful little airy conditions, but it besides uses little power. Here's however to crook WhatsApp acheronian mode on.

How to crook connected WhatsApp acheronian mode connected iPhone

Prior to iOS 14, to crook connected WhatsApp acheronian mode connected iPhone, you could unfastened WhatsApp > Settings > Chat > Theme > Dark.

If your iPhone is moving iOS 14 oregon aboriginal however, acheronian mode is initiated from the telephone settings alternatively than WhatsApp settings. To alteration it, travel these steps:

  1. Open Settings connected your iPhone
  2. Tap connected 'Display & Brightness'
  3. Tap connected 'Dark'
  4. You tin besides take 'Automatic' which volition automatically alteration your telephone to acheronian mode erstwhile evening sets in.

When 'Dark' is selected, it volition alteration acheronian mode crossed each the apps connected your iPhone. Dark mode tin besides beryllium enabled from Control Centre. 

  1. Open Settings connected your iPhone
  2. Tap connected 'Control Centre'
  3. Tap connected 'Customise Controls'
  4. Add Dark Mode
  5. Swipe down from the apical close of your show connected Face ID iPhones, oregon up from the bottommost connected Touch ID iPhones
  6. Tap connected the Dark Mode icon

How to crook connected WhatsApp acheronian mode connected Android

Like iPhone, acheronian mode connected Android tin beryllium turned connected from a instrumentality level, truthful if you're telephone is acceptable to acheronian mode, WhatsApp volition beryllium successful acheronian mode. Unlike iPhone though, you tin besides take acheronian mode oregon airy mode done WhatsApp itself.

  1. Open WhatsApp
  2. Open 'Settings'
  3. Open 'Chats'
  4. Select 'Theme'
  5. Select 'Dark'
  6. Or you tin take System Default, which usage your device's settings.

Writing by Maggie Tillman. Editing by Britta O'Boyle.

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