Qubii Duo is the perfect way to back up your iOS and Android device

2 years ago 476

(Pocket-lint) - Modern smartphones person been 1 heck of a invited innovation, transforming our lives by letting america instrumentality high-quality photos and videos with a slim instrumentality that fits successful our pocket.

However, we besides are each utilized to 2 chores that person travel astir arsenic a result, which unit america each to marque definite we support our phones charged properly, and to guarantee that we backmost up their precious files often. Qubii Duo is the cleanable mode for iOS and Android users to tick some of those boxes astatine once. 

Charge your telephone and backmost it up automatically

The conception is truly astute - you plug a Qubii Duo into your USB charging plug, and it acts arsenic a middleman portion you complaint your telephone each day.

While charging your phone, the Qubii Duo volition  make a backup of your precious photos, videos, and contacts information, stored connected the microSD paper which tin beryllium replaced erstwhile it’s full. This means you person an offline transcript of each your precious files that you tin autumn backmost on.

All offline

Whereas you tin backmost your telephone up utilizing unreality services and storage, this astir ever involves a rolling outgo each period to support your retention activated, and has to beryllium connected to the net portion it does so.

By contrast, Qubii Duo works wholly offline, truthful it doesn’t substance wherever you are erstwhile you privation to get a backup of your telephone saved. This is simply a immense bonus for anyone who travels oregon has unreliable net access. Qubii Duo besides works connected iPad, Mac and PC.  Users tin transportation files faster betwixt devices.

Plenty of retention options

You tin prime up a fewer antithetic size options of microSD paper for Qubii Duo, supporting up to 2TB capacity. This means that adjacent if you person hundreds oregon thousands of high-resolution photos and videos connected your telephone you’ll beryllium capable to get a due backup of them.

Password encryption protects your data

Qubii Duo features patented microSD paper password encryption to support your privateness and data. And due to the fact that the backup  is saved to a microSD card, it’s wholly private, and Maktar’s patented microSD paper password encryption diagnostic means that each files volition beryllium kept safe. Face ID and Touch ID are supported successful the Qubii app, which besides provides two-factor authentication to support files unafraid and accessible lone to authorised individuals.

Compatible with iPad, Mac and PC

The Qubii Duo is iOS and Android compatible, with users having the enactment betwixt a USB benignant C oregon A unit. It tin besides place antithetic devices, and it won’t duplicate files. It is besides compatible with iPad ,Mac and PC. The unsocial plan of the Qubii Duo has besides gained MFi (Made for iPhone) certification and the 2021 Good Design Award.

To larn much astir the Maktar Qubii Duo, cheque retired the Maktar website close here, oregon on Amazon here, wherever you tin besides bid 1 for yourself.

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