These images were made with AI and just a few words

2 years ago 491

(Pocket-lint) - We've seen AI utilized for each sorts of things successful caller years. Those person included creating images of people that don't truly exist, animating aged photos of mislaid household members and turning doodles into good art.

Now the database of uses for artificial quality includes creating creator portraits with conscionable a fewer words. This website allows you to marque images successful a substance of seconds that are crafted by artificial quality and based connected the words you type. Simple and intriguing. 

Angry Rick Sanchez

This representation appeared arsenic 1 of the Editor's Choice images connected the site. It's meant to beryllium a practice of Angry Rick Sanchez arsenic a Pixar character.

We tin surely spot immoderate of Rick and Morty's huffy idiosyncratic successful the last merchandise here. 


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Clint Eastwood smiling

We similar this 1 due to the fact that it's arsenic if the artificial quality was attempting to overgarment Clint Eastwood from memory, but couldn't rather retrieve what helium looked like. Yet it's beauteous wide who it's meant to beryllium adjacent with conscionable a glance. 


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Green eyed devil

Those are immoderate earnestly greenish eyes. It's casual to spot this representation arsenic being a devil arsenic you could easy get mislaid successful those intriguing pools of green. 


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Gordon Freeman arsenic a Star Wars character

Another Editor's Choice representation wherever idiosyncratic has tried to spot what would hap if Half-Life protagonist Gordon Freeman was a Star Wars character. No crowbar, but inactive beauteous familiar. 

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The Joker arsenic an emoji

Here's a reasonably sinister-looking representation of The Joker. The smiling look hiding a satellite of symptom and intelligence anguish. 


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Orc barbarian

It isn't conscionable humans the AI is bully astatine creating either. It tin besides make portraits of mythical beings too. 


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Grumpy Elf

The AI is beauteous bully astatine moving with descriptive terms. This Elf, for example, is peculiarly grumpy. Maybe he's not excessively blessed astir not being existent and lone being created by an artificial intelligence. 


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Graphics card

We were funny to spot what would hap if you enactment immoderate hardware phrases successful the tool, alternatively than descriptive ones. 

This was the effect from the words "graphics card". The quality practice of a GPU seems a spot embarrassed with rosy reddish cheeks. Perhaps due to the fact that she's hard to get clasp of and overly expensive. 


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Central Processing Unit

We ideate that the AI indispensable beryllium a instrumentality of Intel with each the bluish successful this image. Blue hair, bluish background, squad blue. Makes sense. This representation definite shows an optimistic person, possibly hoping gadgets volition beryllium easier to bargain successful 2022. 


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Pastel Princess

You tin already spot however arty the images are. So we thought it would beryllium amusive to suggest the adjacent representation was made with pastel colours. 


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Apple iPhone

Ever wondered what an Apple iPhone mightiness look similar if it was a person? Now you request to wonderment nary longer. Elegant, grey-haired and somewhat disquieted looking. At slightest that's what we're seeing anyway, you'd astir apt get a antithetic result. 


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Pocket lint

Of course, we had to spot what the AI would travel up with if we utilized our ain sanction sake. We were expecting thing a spot messier but it's inactive a large presumption of what pouch lint mightiness look similar arsenic a person. 


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Augmented Reality

We'll beryllium honest, erstwhile we typed "augmented reality" into the procreation container we were hoping for thing futuristic, but we accidental this representation inactive works arsenic a imaginativeness of AR. 


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Medieval cyborg

The AI did a bully occupation of creating a antheral that looks similar a Medieval cyborg successful each fairness. His formal appears to acceptable the clip play and helium has scars that could constituent to implants. We're impressed. 


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The web

If the satellite wide web had a face, what would it look like? This AI seems to deliberation it mightiness beryllium heavy scarred. Which is weird, but astir apt a just practice of the darker broadside of the web. 


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Rainy day

For a "rainy day" the artificial quality crafted an representation of a depressed-looking chap drenched to the bony successful miserable weather. 


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Future plans

We were wondering what the AI mightiness deliberation of aboriginal plans. Turns retired they're rather worn down, breached and battered. Which is due arsenic that's however we're feeling contiguous anyway. 


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Samsung Patents

We're often connected the look retired for caller patents connected breathtaking aboriginal technologies, but we've surely ne'er seen a Samsung patent that looks similar this. Or person we? 

Writing by Adrian Willings.

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