The buzziest questions we have before the 'Yellowjackets' finale

2 years ago 519

(CNN)Note: Spoilers abound for the archetypal 9 episodes of "Yellowjackets" -- proceed with caution!

Buzz buzz buzz.

"Yellowjackets," the searing Showtime bid that takes the hellishness of adolescence (and womanhood) to a caller level, wraps up a play of nastiness, backstabbing and literal stabbing this Sunday.

    But, with truthful galore escaped ends dangling, overmuch similar the assemblage of the cervid our Yellowjackets slaughtered and feasted upon, we're perfectly ravenous for much accusation astir Shauna, Taissa and Nat ... and Misty, too, that terror. Like the conniving Jessica Roberts, we've got a batch of questions for the survivors of that doomed flight, truthful present are a fewer of the queries that support america up astatine night.

      We'll transmission Lottie for our premonitions-- each of hers person travel existent truthful far, no? -- though we cognize we apt won't get each the answers we crave by the finale. But please, "Yellowjackets," springiness america thing to chew connected portion we hold for play two.

      Who killed Travis?

      Travis (Kevin Alves) and Nat (Sophie Thatcher), arsenic  teens, recovered  emotion  successful  an UTTERLY hopeless spot  -- lone  for Travis to dice  arsenic  an adult.

      Poor Travis. From watching his begetter autumn from a plane, to asking his emotion involvement to excavation up his dad's assemblage to fetch a ring, to being hunted by a clump of teenage girls tripping connected 'shrooms, the astir brooding of the 3 antheral survivors has had a unsmooth spell of it successful the woods. He makes it out, that overmuch we know, lone to beryllium recovered hanged astatine the extremity of occurrence three. Nat is 100% definite Travis wouldn't person done this -- the 2 made a pact erstwhile that they'd ne'er instrumentality their ain lives. And truthful far, Nat tends to beryllium right.

      Our premonitions accidental ... The jury's inactive out, but ... possibly Misty? She recovered Travis' past paystub that led them to the workplace wherever helium worked -- and wherever helium died -- and we cognize Misty had been tracking down Travis arsenic a "citizen detective" before. Maybe promising deets connected Travis -- and past sidesplitting him -- was a mode to sucker Nat successful and past untether her from 1 of the fewer surviving radical who loved her. Misty is intelligibly hurting for connection, and truthful is Nat, and Misty is intelligibly cruel capable to execution her mode into a forced friendship.

      Are immoderate different Yellowjackets alive?

      Could Jackie (Ella Purnell, center) person  survived the wilderness, contempt  her implicit  uselessness?

      Taissa, Shauna and Nat made an oblique notation to different Yellowjackets being retired determination successful occurrence six, erstwhile they stitchery to sermon who's blackmailing them (at slightest that's one reply we've got). Who's left, and are they arsenic irrevocably messed up arsenic our cardinal foursome?

      Our premonitions accidental ... Likely. The finale is astatine slightest partially acceptable astatine what appears to beryllium a high-school reunion, and what amusive it would beryllium if we spot an big Jackie waltz successful to marque a messiness our starring ladies volition grip adjacent season. For Shauna's sake, let's anticipation Jackie is not live to torment her -- Shauna's visions of her erstwhile BFF already person that covered. For Melanie Lynskey's sake, let's anticipation we do! We privation to spot the shades of that performance.

      What does that awesome mean?

      It's everyplace -- drawn connected the backs of the postcards the survivors were blackmailed with, carved connected trees successful the Canadian wilderness and adjacent scrawled onto the floorboards of the creepy compartment wherever they sleep. It haunts them successful contiguous day, truthful we cognize it indispensable mean thing very bad.

      Our premonitions accidental ... We'll hold for the amusement to explicate this one, though Reddit sleuths person immoderate grisly theories. It benignant of looks similar a crude drafting of a miss you'd spot connected a restroom motion -- ellipse for a head, triangle for a formal -- with a enactment drawn done it, which seems to connote death.

      Is Lottie the "antler queen"?

      We're introduced to a cabal of cannibals successful the pilot's archetypal fewer minutes, dressed successful carnal hides, and the presumptive person is wearing antlers. We're inactive not definite who's nether those furs -- though we DO cognize Misty is among them, since she's the lone 1 who removes her disguise -- but Lottie dons a crown of antlers passim occurrence nine, and she gets up to immoderate beauteous gnarly concern portion she's wearing it.

      Our premonitions accidental ... Maybe? The infinitesimal erstwhile she archetypal wears the antlers felt similar a coronation -- 1 the amusement has been hinting astatine for a fewer weeks, by positioning Lottie successful beforehand of antlers connected the walls of the cabin. Or possibly idiosyncratic challenges oregon kills her for it by the clip we spot the "antler queen" successful the pilot.

      Is Taissa truly sleepwalking, oregon is she possessed?

      Adult Taissa (Tawny Cypress) is inactive  noshing connected  ungraded  and hanging retired  successful  trees each  these years aboriginal    -- but why?

      We inactive don't cognize whether the amusement is embracing the supernatural oregon whether our heroes -- and we, the viewers -- are confusing their post-traumatic accent for thing much sinister. These flashes of the occult truly could beryllium manifestations of their pain, intelligence and physical.

      Our premonitions accidental ... Hard to say. Maybe Taissa is really possessed by the tone of immoderate evil entity -- oregon maybe, Taissa copes with her aggravated accent by climbing trees and eating ungraded (and possibly her dog, Biscuit?) successful her sleep. Let's anticipation the finale gives america a semblance of an reply here.

      Who's getting eaten?

      The Yellowjackets' descent into madness began past  week, erstwhile   "Doomcoming" turned into a drug-fueled quality  hunt.

        We cognize it's coming, right? The girls are bare -- past week, they were eating grubs and drinking rotten berry foodstuff -- and they support informing america that wintertime is knocking connected their compartment door. A girls shot team's gotta devour sometime.

        Our premonitions accidental ... Van, already maimed, could sacrifice herself truthful that her friends and beloved Tai whitethorn unrecorded -- that would beryllium a tearjerker. Or possibly Coach Scott volition conscionable his extremity arsenic meal -- it wouldn't beryllium astonishing if Misty barbecued her crush. We whitethorn not spot the girls commencement hunting anyone yet, though they did spell aft Travis nether the power of 'shrooms. Maybe we'll spot much of that carnage successful play two.

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