The real losers from Djokovic deportation saga

2 years ago 506

Novak Djokovic's nonaccomplishment successful a tribunal of instrumentality is besides a nonaccomplishment for the Australian Open, a nonaccomplishment for tennis fans and a nonaccomplishment for the athletics arsenic a whole.

Setting aside, for a moment, everything that led to his deportation from Australia yesterday — a fundamentally hard-to-fathom crushed for immoderate jock to beryllium forced to beryllium retired immoderate lawsuit — who wouldn't privation to spot the subordinate who dominated men's Grand Slam tennis successful 2021 competing for what would beryllium a historical rubric to statesman 2022?

Unaccustomed to defeats connected a large stage, particularly lately, helium could person pursued his 10th trophy astatine Melbourne Park, which would interruption his ain record, and his 21st wide from each large championships, which would interruption the men's people helium shares with Rafael Nadal (who is successful Australia) and Roger Federer (who is not, pursuing genu surgery).

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Novak Djokovic loses visa battle

Instead, erstwhile play begins successful Australia contiguous (11am AEDT), 2009 victor Nadal, arsenic it turns out, volition beryllium the lone past Australian Open champ successful the 128 subordinate men's field. And 150th-ranked Salvatore Caruso, a 29-year-old from Italy who is connected a 4 lucifer losing streak successful Grand Slam main gully play and failed to get done qualifying successful Melbourne, volition beryllium connected the enactment successful the bracket wherever No.1 Djokovic stood until yesterday's Federal Court decision.

Less than 18 hours earlier the commencement of the tournament, a 3 justice sheet unanimously upheld a authorities minister's close to cancel Djokovic's visa, ending his past ditch effort to beryllium capable to play and bringing a adjacent to what the ATP Tour rightly called "a profoundly regrettable bid of events."

This was however Nadal enactment it connected Saturday, erstwhile everyone inactive was awaiting a resolution: "Honestly, I'm a small spot bushed of the situation."

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Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. (Getty)

And to think: this 11 time saga could person been avoided if Djokovic got the COVID-19 vaccine — similar much than 95 per cent of each Top 100 men and women successful their tours' respective rankings — or, similar astatine slightest 2 different players who didn't person the shots and stayed away, accepted that helium wasn't allowed to participate the Australian Open. Vaccination was a request for anyone astatine the tournament: players, their coaches and different entourage members, spectators, media members and everyone other on-site, too.

Djokovic sought, and initially was granted, a aesculapian exemption, saying that helium tested affirmative for COVID-19 successful December. In the end, helium was forced to permission Australia due to the fact that helium was seen arsenic idiosyncratic who could disturbance up anti-vaccine sentiments successful a country, similar galore others, going done a surge of the omicron variant.

That's a large crushed this drew truthful overmuch attention.

Novak Djokovic leaves the Park Hotel today. (Getty)

Yes, it progressive 1 of the astir palmy and celebrated athletes around, idiosyncratic who came wrong 1 triumph of the archetypal calendar twelvemonth Grand Slam successful men's tennis since 1969. And yes, it progressive an intriguing "What volition travel next?" miniseries that included an 8 hr airdrome interrogation, a forced 4 time enactment successful an migration hotel, a fistful of tribunal hearings, 2 cancellations of a superstar's visa, 1 entreaty that was palmy and, ultimately, different that was denied.

But arsenic polarising a fig arsenic Djokovic mightiness be, rightly oregon wrongly, thing is arsenic polarising among immoderate folks these days arsenic the coronavirus pandemic itself and the taxable of those who won't get inoculated. It is thing that the full colonisation of the satellite has a involvement in.

What happens adjacent with Djokovic volition beryllium fascinating to watch, due to the fact that determination are truthful galore unknowns, astatine slightest successful portion due to the fact that helium hasn't taken questions oregon spoken to the media astatine each since his formation landed successful Melbourne connected January 5.

Novak Djokovic of Serbia celebrates. (Getty)

After yesterday's verdict, helium enactment retired a connection saying helium was "extremely disappointed" and that helium "will present beryllium taking immoderate clip to remainder and recuperate, earlier making immoderate further comments beyond this."

He added: "I americium uncomfortable that the absorption of the past weeks has been connected maine and I anticipation that we tin each present absorption connected the crippled and tourney I love."

Nobody knows erstwhile helium volition instrumentality to action. Nobody knows which aboriginal tournaments mightiness person vaccine requirements.

Novak Djokovic astatine Melbourne Park. (Getty)

Nobody knows whether Djokovic volition ever get vaccinated. Nobody knows however this full occurrence mightiness fig into his attempts to signifier a players' relation that could beryllium the closest happening to a national tennis has seen.

And cipher tin cognize for sure, of course, what Djokovic's aboriginal successful the athletics volition look like.

Seems harmless to number connected this, though: Djokovic, the eventual fighter, ne'er daunted by hard opponents oregon lucifer points oregon antagonistic crowds, volition get backmost to winning erstwhile helium tin get backmost connected a tribunal with a racquet successful his hands. - AP

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